Terms of Use

I. Introductory Provisions

These conditions regulate access to the content and services of the information society (hereinafter referred to as the Service) on the website (hereinafter referred to as the Website) and in applications (hereinafter referred to as the Application) operated by the company CZECH NEWS CENTER a.s., IČ 02346826, with registered office at náměstí Marie Schmolkové 3493/1, 100 00 Praha 10 Strašnice (hereinafter referred to as the Operator).

II. Registration

By registering for the Service on the Website or in the Application, the User of the Service (hereinafter referred to as the User) will gain access to those parts and services which, based on the Operator's decision, are subject to registration. For the use of some parts of the Service, the Operator may be required to meet additional conditions (e.g. for Paid Content).
The method of registration and the data required for registration, as well as for the registration of the registered User to the Service, are determined by the Operator. The operator is entitled to change the rules for registration and access to the Service.
The registration applies simultaneously to all Internet pages and to those Applications that use the same interface as the Internet pages for registration, i.e. by registering, the User gains access to all Internet pages and also to the above-mentioned Applications to the extent that they are conditional on registration, with the exception of those parts to which another condition set by the Operator must be met in order to gain access. Some Applications have a separate registration, in which case the registration under this paragraph does not apply to them.
The Operator is entitled to suspend or cancel the User's access to the Service on the basis of his registration in the event that the registered User violates the provisions of these terms or legal regulations, the terms of competitions, auctions, online games or other events organized on the Website or in Application, or if the Operator has reasonable suspicion that the User's registration data is being used by another person in addition to the User. In the cases mentioned in this paragraph, there is no right to a refund of a proportional part of the subscription, nor to compensation for damages.

III. Paid content

Some Internet pages and Applications contain, in addition to freely accessible content, also content that is only accessible to registered Users after meeting the conditions specified in paragraph 3 of this article (hereinafter referred to as "Paid Content").
Paid Content consists of content that is marked and published as Paid Content on the Website or in the Applications. The Operator reserves the right, at its discretion, to make available Paid Content items outside of Paid Content.
Paid content will be made available to registered Users after meeting one of the conditions listed below:
after paying the payment for making it available (for the period for which the payment was made)
upon fulfillment of another condition set by the Operator and stated in the conditions for providing the relevant Paid Content.
Registration alone does not establish the User's right to access Paid Content.
Paid content will be made available without undue delay after:
registration of payment for making paid content available in the Operator's system intended for receiving payments
records of fulfillment of other conditions set by the Operator listed in the conditions for providing the relevant Paid Content.
The Operator is entitled to change the scope of the Paid Content, as well as to terminate or interrupt its provision.

IV. Participation in discussions

In the event that the Operator enables the discussion of Users
within the Service or
through a third-party product or service whose content is displayed within the Service

the Users acknowledge the fact that their contributions can be published within the Service (i.e. on the Website and in the Applications) without a time limit.
Contributions in the discussion must not contradict the legal regulations of the Czech Republic. Posts must not contain vulgar or obscene expressions and insults, expressions of aggression and humiliation, any discrimination (especially racial, national, religious, due to gender, health status) or its promotion. Contributions must not interfere with the right to protect the personality of natural persons and the right to protect the name, reputation and privacy of legal entities.
Posts in the discussion may not contain hidden or overt advertising.
Nicknames in the discussion must not be misleading, vulgar or otherwise violating good manners.
Users may not disrupt the discussion by sending discussion posts outside the factual context of the discussion or repeated discussion posts with identical text.
The operator reserves the right to delete any discussion post, group of discussion posts or all discussion posts, even without giving reasons. In particular, the operator will immediately delete any discussion post that contradicts the principles stated in this article.
The Operator reserves the right to prohibit participation in the discussion to a User who has repeatedly violated the principles stated in this article in the past. In justified cases, the Operator may decide to prohibit access to the discussion for other reasons as well.

V. Other rights and obligations of Users associated with registration to the Service

The user is entitled to request termination of registration at any time in the manner specified on the Website or in the Application. In such a case, the User is not entitled to a refund of even a proportional part of the subscription.
The User is obliged to secure his registration data and access data provided to make the Service available against their misuse by another person.
Users are obliged to use the Service in such a way that other Users are not excluded from their use, that it is not difficult for them to use the Service, and that the functionality of the Service or any of its parts is not endangered or damaged.
In the event that the User's personal data is required for the provision of the Service, the User is obliged to provide this data truthfully and is obliged to inform the Operator of their change in accordance with the specific rules for updating them established by the Operator. Further information on the processing of personal data can be found in the information on the processing of personal data.
Users are not authorized to place their own content on the Websites and Applications, except when the Operator expressly allows this. In such a case, Users are obliged to respect the rules for placing their own content established by the Operator. In this way, the User is entitled to place on the Website or in the Application only such content that does not violate the rights of third parties (in particular, copyright and the right to protect personality or the right to protect the good reputation of a legal entity). The operator is not obliged to back up the content placed in this way and is entitled to delete it at any time without prior notice and without compensation.
Users are not authorized to circumvent or disrupt the software protection of the Websites and Applications or disrupt their operation (especially by sending automatically generated unsolicited messages or automatically generated access to the Websites or Applications).

VI. Copyright protection

The materials published on the Internet pages and in the Applications are generally copyrighted and as such are subject to protection in accordance with Act No. 121/2000 Coll. (Copyright).
Users are entitled to use copyrighted works published on the Website and in the Applications only for their own use. Publishing or distributing the content of the Website or the Application, or any part thereof, is prohibited. Modifying and altering the content of the Website or the Application or any part of it is also prohibited. Users are authorized to save or copy individual items of the content of the Internet pages or Applications only for personal purposes and only on the condition that such storage or copying is not excluded for the respective item either by an explicit prohibition or by software protection.
The use of copyrighted works published on the Website or in the Applications in the mass media, including the use for news purposes, is prohibited, except in cases where the Operator gives consent to such use.
In the event that the User places content on the Website or in the Application in accordance with Article V, paragraph 5, or if he provides the Operator with visual, sound, text or audiovisual material through the Website or the Application, the User thereby grants the Operator a license unlimited in time and territory to use such content or material, if this material meets the characteristics of an author's work, or is otherwise protected by copyright law, for its publication on the relevant Internet page or in the relevant Application and grants the Operator the right to combine this material with another work or material and to modify it for the purposes of its publication. The operator is not obliged to indicate the name of the author of such content. The User is obliged to provide the Operator or place on the Internet pages or in the Application only such content or material in relation to which he is authorized to grant the Operator the rights specified in this paragraph. In case of violation of this obligation, the User is liable to the Operator for the damage.

VII. Other provisions

The operator is authorized to change these Terms for the use of the information society service. Information about such a change will be published on the Website and in the Applications no later than 14 days before the change takes effect.
The operator is entitled at any time to interrupt or terminate the operation of the Internet pages and Applications, their individual sections or parts, and providing services through them.
The Operator operates the Website and Application based on its own decision and in the form and scope of functionality determined by it. The operator states that, despite the care it takes to ensure their operation, their temporary, partial or complete non-functionality cannot be ruled out. Such non-functionality, regardless of its scope and duration, does not entitle Users or third parties to compensation for damages or the provision of any discount or substitute performance.
In the event that the Website or Application contains a link to other websites, the Operator is not responsible for their functionality.

These Terms for the use of the information society service replace the General Terms and Conditions for the use of websites operated by CZECH NEWS CENTER a.s. and take effect on 1 May 2018.